FREE Canadian Citizenship Practice Test & Driving Practice Test since 2001
Test yourself by taking our FREE online Canadian Citizenship Test. It is Timed & Scored just like actual Canadian Citizenship Test.
But before you begin, we strongly recommend that you practice for the test using our 500+
Questions from different chapters of official Study Guide 'Discover Canada'. It allows you to efficiently learn and memorize
the entire study guide.
Each test simulation will randomly choose questions from our huge repository. So take it repeatedly to memorize as much of Discover Canada as you can!
What happens to your written test if you fail ..... If the applicant has failed, all citizenship knowledge tests (first tests, retests and oral) must be kept on file at the local office. Failed tests for refused applicants are retained on file, so that the actual test questions that an applicant was not able to answer can be provided as evidence if judicial review is launched.