Timed Canadian Citizenship Test 2025  (20 Questions - 30 Minutes )

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Test yourself by taking our FREE online Canadian Citizenship Test. It is Timed & Scored just like actual Canadian Citizenship Test. But before you begin, we strongly recommend that you practice for the test using our 500+ Questions from different chapters of official Study Guide 'Discover Canada'. It allows you to efficiently learn and memorize the entire study guide.
Each test simulation will randomly choose questions from our huge repository. So take it repeatedly to memorize as much of Discover Canada as you can!

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(Prepare, Practice and Test)
500 Practice Q&A
from Discover Canada!

(Answers with Explanation from Study Guide)

   Before You Take Test

We strongly recommend going through our 500+ questions before you take this test (If you haven't already). Citizenship Practice Test # 1 Citizenship Practice Test # 2 Citizenship Practice Test # 3 Citizenship Practice Test # 4

How will our Canadian Citizenship Test help you prepare for actual test

We provide you 3-Step Approach.
Prepare - Read about what does the test look like, requirement, Tips for the day of test, any FAQs etc.
Practice - Go through 16 tests and 500 question chapter by chapter from the latest and official Study Guide Discover Canada as many time as you like to efficiently learn and memorize the entire study guide. Each questions is appropriately referenced to Discover Canada to ensure you understand the answers. Also there are Q&A to practice provincial and federal knowledge.
Test - Our Simulated test.

  • We have been helping immigrants since 2001, providing free Canadian Citizenship Preparation Tests. So we know what we are doing!
  • Our Simulated test will familiarize you with actual Canadian Naturalization test or Canadian Citizenship test format . It has 20 Multiple Choice Questions and you get 30 minutes.
  • It is carefully designed to include every chapter of the Discover Canada Book to help you memorize entire study guide.
  • Our test include common questions asked in recent Canadian Citizenship Tests from the feedback we get from our users.
  • Before taking this simulated Canadian Citizenship test, you can prepare yourself by practicing through one of our 16 Practice Tests - Step 2 of our Citizenship Guide (General Knowledge of Canada).
  • We always keep up-to-date with latest political changes and Discover Canada study guide changes. We listen to you through our very interactive Blog and facebook to understand your needs.

Why Prepare for Canadian Citizenship Test

  • You are required to answer 15 Questions correctly out of 20 in order to pass your Canadian Citizenship Test.
  • You are required to finish the test in 30 Minutes.
  • The test will be prepared from 9 Study Sections/Chapters and 68 pages from Discover Canada and that is lots of material to memorize.
  • We have 500+ Questions prepared to cover every chapter of the study guide. It give you maximum chance at memorizing the whole Discover Canada book effortlessly.
  • Failure to pass the Canadian Citizenship Test means, you will either have to go through another test or an interview with the Judge. In the interview, you will be asked very similar questions as the actual test but it depends on the judge as well. His focus can entirely be local. Click to see provincial/local and sample interview questions . Prepare Well!

 Citizenship Test Tips

If you fail Canadian Citizenship Test ..... If you fail the test, you will be invited to attend an interview with a citizenship judge. In addition to personal question about you and your family, the judge may ask you questions from the "Discover Canada" book (similar to Citizenship) but his focus might be more provincial or local than national. This still means you will have to refresh you knowledge again. Some judges are more lenient than others.